Dear poor, neglected blog readers.
How have you been since I saw you last? I have been incredibly busy with a hospital stay (I'm right as rain - don't worry!) and moving house (No more scary neighbours and spider infestation! Hello 2 storey townhouse with added new housemate and MY OWN OFFICE!)
And a pretty abysmal attempt at NaNoWriMo which was severely interrupted by the above hospital stay and house move. Also the fact that I was irritating myself by trying to write a thriller...but it was coming out funny. How you other WriMo's do? Didja win?
Some of my friends have had fabulous news lately, Angela Townsend sold her werewolves in Alaska book, Amarok to Spencer Hill Press, and Meagan Spooner & Amie Kaufman sold their Titanic in Space sci fi trilogy Wrecked to Disney-Hyperion!
I'm so very proud of them all. This is the same Meagan Spooner I was excited for who sold her dystopian/fantasy trilogy a couple of months ago. So she has six books coming out, starting next year. O.O
Speaking of people with six books coming out, Robin Mellom's debut Ditched has been released and is garnering
rave reviews which doesn't surprise me as it sounds hilarious.
I may not have book deals coming out the wazoo like some people I know and love, but November was my highest selling month for my ebooks to date, so if you've read any of them, I hope you've enjoyed them. And if you feel so inclined, a short review on the site you bought it would be so appreciated!
Intrigued about my ebooks?
Komz the Review Girl is giving away FIVE COPIES EACH of my ebooks! The Sarah Billington ones, that is. It's international so go now! Quick!
Go now and win! Entries close December 9th!
In honour of so many successes and attempts at NaNoWriMo and writing 50,000 words in one measly month, I am offering my editorial services cheapity-cheap! (You know I'm an editor, right?
More info here.)
Editing 50k words would usually cost you upward of $400 from me, but if you take part in this promotion (mention it when contacting me)
I will edit 50k for $360! (Longer works shall cost slightly more)
I am extremely thorough with my editing and utilise tracked changes so that you can see every little thing I've done, I make comments in the margins and provide you with a 5-8 page editorial letter, giving tips and ideas that could help fix problem areas. So if you want some help with YOUR book - I'm your gal. Check out the testimonials on my site.
Though there was an awful lot of lurking going on, I KNOW my interview with Danielle Weiler was extremely popular, so coming soon: An INTERNATIONAL giveaway of Danielle Weiler's Friendship on Fire!
Adios amigos,