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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Feature Me Friday! (02) Georgia McBride, Publisher of Month9Books

In today's Feature Me Friday I have speculative fiction author, YAlitChat community founder and Month9Books publisher Georgia McBride with me! Let's see what life is like as a publisher.

What type of qualifications do you have and do you think it has helped you in your job?

 I have been a manager-level professional in start-ups and established corporations since 1992. My first job out of school was as a marketing manager for a major television personality. Being a good manager of people and process is essential to success in any business.
What does a typical day look like in your job? 
Hmmm. I don't tend to have typical days, but I can tell you what I've done so far today!  
1. Negotiated with an agent on a deal.
2. Responded to a new employee regarding questions about their employment contract.
3. Helped brainstorm (and rejected) tagline ideas for our new romance eNovella imprint, Swoon.
4. Reviewed and approved our Fall 2012 Rights Guide.
5. Added content to
6. Approved art for new postcards.
7. Updated a press releases.
8. Submitted editorial idea for major trade press magazine.
9. Approved new Month9Books online store.
10. Reviewed comments from an agent on a publishing contract.
11. Approved cover design concept for Into the Fire by Kelly Hashway.
12. Ordered print galleys for Gabriel Stone and The Divinity of Valta.
13. Sent eGalleys to NetGalley for Gabriel Stone and the Divinity of Valta.
14. Scheduled 2 meetings.
15. Updated YALITCHAT topic for Weds.
16. Updated content on YALITCHAT.ORG.

What do you like most about your job?

I love bringing stories to readers. I love interacting with the authors of these stories and helping them make them the best they can possibly be. I love being able to make dreams come true. I also love negotiating deals, and of course, the marketing planning is fun. I know. I am a geek. Oh, and I  LOVE LOVE LOVE working on covers and providing art direction to the designers and illustrators.
What do you like LEAST about your job?
I hate having to reject submissions. 

Is there a duty that you perform as a part of your job that might surprise people?

My entire job is about duty: to the reader, to the author and her or his family, to the author's agent, to my staff, my distributor, co-agents, etc. I feel a tremendous sense of responsibility and duty to everyone Month9Books touches. 

What can authors do to help you help THEM?

Be flexible. Try to learn about the business. Be willing to try new things and take direction. 

What do you wish authors wouldn’t do?

Really, the internet is the worst place to get advice. Remember that your path is yours, and the path someone else is taking may not work for you. Do not compare your book, sales, or path to someone else's. That fixation can surely break your spirit and cause you to make decisions about your career and writing out of fear and panic, leading to certain disaster. 

What do you like to do when not working?

I love hanging with friends and family, but don't get to do that often. I am a HUGE texter, so it helps me stay close to those I don't get to see much. If not working, I am normally at the movies, or catching up on shows or books I have no time to watch or read. I also love to travel. 

Share three fun facts about you: 

1) I often lie about my age. :-)
2) One of my legs is a tad shorter than the other.
3) I hate commas.

Ereader, print book or both?

Both work well for me, depending on what I need to use it for. I love the feel and emotional charge of a printed book. I like the eReader for submissions, taking books with me when traveling, and reading naughty books that would make my kids take notice if I were reading the print version. I have a Kindle, a Nook, and use my iPad for eReading mostly.

Georgia loves a good story. Whether it’s writing her own, or publishing someone else’s, story is at the heart of everything Georgia does. Founder of Month9Books, YALITCHAT.ORG and the weekly #yalitchat on Twitter, Georgia spends most of her days writing, editing, or talking about books. That is, of course, when she is not blasting really loud music or reading. She is represented by Tamar Rydzinski of The Laura Dail Literary Agency. PRAEFATIO is her first novel.
Thanks Georgia!
If you are a young adult author, publishing professional, book blogger or simply a book lover and would like to be interviewed for your own Feature Me Friday post, contact me at SarahBillingtonBooks AT Gmail DOT com!


  1. Great post, and I completely agree about the dangers of turning to the internet for advice. There's so much conflicting information, and so many anecdotes that vary tremendously ("I signed my agent because I pitched my MS in purple ink, so you should do the same!") and can so easily be one-offs rather than actual truisms!

    1. Yes - absolutely true. I know people who have gotten book deals when they sent cookies, which is something authors are told do NOT do. I know someone who got a job by putting a lolcat in her application letter, rather than taking the application seriously. :)

      I think the phrase "your mileage may vary" fits quite well regarding advice on the internet, doesn't it. :)


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